Friday, June 14, 2013


By: Bishop Albert Gran

Colossians 1:12-13

12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

This series of lesson was believed to be in gratitude and in appreciation of God’s wonderful blessings in our life which is something not made by our own but that which He had made for our benefits. Last time, we end up verse 11 and understand what seems our understanding would be regarding “God’s might according to his glorious power” corresponding all patience and long-suffering. The groaning without are His already designed will brought by the corrupt nature due to “sins punishment”. However, such groaning can be clothed upon with the might and power of God working in us by overcoming them through patience and long-suffering. Today’s discussion stressed out Paul’s continuing prayer for the saints at Collosae which in tune something made us think about God’s sovereign power working in us through His will written down in Paul’s epistles.   
12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

The saints’ life services are down to earth humbly in appreciation and recognition to God’s special purpose which God had made for our completion. God the Father made us all very special because His plans are really for your sake. His plans caused every saint to live a life of gratitude after His will was known through us especially when you know the set heavenly blessings which He provided for you.
It’s evident in the fact mentioned above that the Father (whereby we cry Abba Father) authored today’s saints’ victory due to special form of completion along with His might and power brought by the effect of understanding His word and His will. This kind of understanding allows you to forbear sufferings and endure the same sufferings in life classified as our daily groaning while waiting patiently for God’s deliverance of our body which is the “adoption” (Rom. 8:22-24).

There’s a relative fact which I would like to reiterate for all the saints in particular who are members of the Body of Christ that the cause of our thanksgiving is in effect of the blissful inheritance of the saints in light.

The Body of Christ was designed by God Himself for His glory after that He protected His saints by giving them complete protection through all spiritual equipping in light with the gospel declaring our inheritance which for me something we possessed eternally in the heavens. That’s the nature of His blessings “heavenly” (Eph. 1:3).

The basis why each believer might and should be thankful to God the Father is because he truly understand what God had made him qualified for that inheritance He provided to the saints after becoming member of the church, the Body of Christ.
Many believers’ motivation causing them to thank much to God because of the reason of the supposed PHYSICAL BLESSINGS such as the substances they possessed and owned, healing from different infirmities as supposed God’s special miracle working in them. This is the concept taught way back under God’s physical dealing to Israel for the earthly kingdom. Let me clarify that I myself believed healing as far as God taught how we could be healed today. I also believed physical provision in accordance to how we could have physical provision today. Misconception lies when one conjectured that “we pure grace believers” didn’t believe any more physical healing and physical provisions.      

At the onset, these are not the real cause why every saint today should be thankful to God. We must be thankful because God MADE AS NEW IN CHRIST AND WE’RE QUALIFIED AS PARTAKERS OF THE INHERITANCE WITH THE SAINTS IN LIGHT. He made us all victorious each day in our life with the provision of special qualities which are the fruit of the spirit so we know how to live peaceably and godly in our devastated society. He provided us sound wisdom how to attain our physical needs which He entrusted in our hands and to sum up, these are all in effect of HIS WORD WORKING IN US THAT BELIEVED.   

The reason why we became partakers of the inheritance because it is His will and we all knew about this and in order to materialize, God revealed His will to us in His word. And, our understanding cause to obey in all truth because it’s His word or God’s word by all means. It’s His word telling you what caused your life offered how God made you His life-like image based on His will.

Now, let me expound to you any further what Paul calls “Inheritance of the saints in light”.     
13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

These things are God’s enactment how He made you partaker of the saints in light. God delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.

The reason why our life was classified as “more triumphant” because God after our completion  (as we are complete in Him) changed our status as no longer in agreement with Satan’s policy of evil which is the power of darkness. He already informed us that opposite to Satan’s cunning craftiness we can overcome it by doing what God wanted you to do in accord to Him and Him alone. Again, to be in accord with God it needs understanding what specific information from Himself only what He wants you today and in the context of where you must fit in God’s plan over the ages. Let’s all stick to Pauline instructions and believe it’s the recent instruction of God if you want to live UNDER GRACE.

Why as though many believers today still live in darkness? The reason for that is that they lack understanding as to the full capacity God had offered to them when they trusted the gospel of salvation. Appreciating more and more what God had made for yourself will cause you to all the more behave yourself in the household of God doing what is pleasing to Him.

Another noteworthy statement of Paul is …and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son”. We’re all sure that Jesus Christ’s kingdom promised to the members of the Body of Christ is not the kingdom he taught to the disciples which is to “COME ON EARTH”  but this kingdom signifies relative to the inheritance where we are seated in the heavenly places. That’s the fact why we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.

Imagine that, when God takes you away from Satan’s control He also destined you to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. That’s the reason why Jesus Christ is our head. He’s the head of all members in particular. This is the real kingdom where everybody has to become a part of and not the sense where you are part of a denomination or religion made by man.

Just simply your alternative!

Grace and peace



Saturday, June 8, 2013



By: Bishop Albert Gran

Colossians 1:10-11

10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Let me continue this study folks through this point by point presentation of which you and me can dig treasure of wisdom in light with God’s plan. In our past episode I made emphasized Paul’s nature of prayer which is but for understanding of God’s nature and dealing in this dispensation of grace and that every believer must be filled with all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
On the other hand, relative to understanding, knowledge, and wisdom of God’s will these  things which I would like to expose were God’s enactment how he truly does in the life of every believer in this dispensation of grace.  

10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

The real sense effecting God’s word working in the life of every believer will produce a special kind of life pleasing unto the Lord. How can we be pleasing before the sight of the Lord? Many thought that as long as they are filled with God’s services, doing Christian pious and religious services regardless of understanding God’s plan in this dispensation of grace is already something they thought pleasing before God. This is just a speculative thought without God’s basis from the written word if it thus God would conclude man’s thought as something accredited to be the real basis of His approval. There’s no doubt if it thus the basis is GOD’S WORD. 2 Tim. 2:15 is respectively the answer for this “how to please God” cause and issue. The count of being worthy and pleasing before God comes FIRST IN RIGHT HANDLING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim. 2;15). Doctrine of knowing who God is  and His nature most especially what he’s doing today is the inquisition to know “WHAT IS HIS WILL” in the lives of His people (Body of Christ) without racial distinctions. Doctrine classifying what God is doing before in time past and what He is doing today is the primary privilege responsibility of man so he could determine that everyone’s works are counted before Him. This is the principle of being “ever zealous but have not come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7). However, this is not the principle through which every believer  must think about ”doing a work-based” thought without understanding first what sense God could count anyone worthy before the Lord BY FAITH (2 Cor. 5:7). In this dispensation of grace the emphasis is “UNDERSTANDING HIS WILL” in light with the revelation of the mystery for the Body of Christ with the reconciliation message offered to all lost sinners in this world, proving doctrines and manner of life in the tenet of GRACE and not LAW ( Eph. 5:17; Romans 6:14). This is the formula as far as I learned this verse proving our pure belief in accordance to God’s plan for the members of the Body of Christ in this dispensation of grace.

(God's dealing Today)

Based on the above formula the basis of “worthy walk” is the knowledge of God’s will and that the end point is to produce an increased knowledge of God. Why increase knowledge? Because the foundation is the knowledge of His will which was made available in His word.

In this formula, Paul’s epistles will help us understand the light what “God’s will” today in this age of grace really suits His plan for the Body of Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 3:3-5; Eph. 1:4). What if the walk of every believer matches the time when God superintends Israel under the law? Is it right that it’s not in accord to the present time where God had set a new plan for Paul how every lost sinner could avail the sufficiency of God’s grace and him to have completeness of life through the glory which is in Christ Jesus?  

There’s a great contribution of Paul’s epistles which will aid your faith’s foundation if it’s your prerogative to please God in all your life. As addressed to all God’s called “workman”, God through Paul has instructed them to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH” and therefore he himself shall not be ashamed and BE APPROVED IN HIS SIGHT ( the idea of well pleasing) 2 Tim. 2:15. Proving what quality of work after being saved through and based on doctrine of grace with Paul is definitely the basis of a worthy walk when life comes out in the test of fire (doctrines of grace with Paul) with the foundation made of gold, silver, and precious stones. Thus, the idea of mixing doctrines is really out of His will in the context of today’s plan as grace and law working together to produce a life of defeat instead of victory.    

11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

There’s a sense I could share you in effect of those who walked in accord to physical-supernaturalists’ view with their doctrines of physical direct intervention with their so called faith-based principle “to see is to believe”. The strength they supposed to include in this verse or the might according to his glorious power could also mean physical strength. If it thus, then why the sense included “unto all PATIENCE AND LONGSUFFERING WITH JOYFULNES. If God acted directly in the provision of your physical affairs similar to the economy of law then why patience, longsuffering with joyfulness characterized each believer's life? If in your faith God’s might is something must be described to strengthen you so that you could move in accordance to what you wish for physical equippings through God’s special power of operation acted in your physical life then why as though many believers are destitute of those physical things? Where’s the idea of patience and longsuffering with joyfulness when God at the instance grant your physical complains in the supernatural way? Is your prayer doctrinal belief really suffice to meet the standard of God in our physical affairs to ‘GLORY IN TRIBULATION’, to labor with our own hands and eat our own bread, to charge not the gospel of Christ? Is the power of your prayers must be an exemption to change the ordained WILL OF GOD in our physical condition in our present time and to change the idea of what God had declared ….we’re suffering in pain together until now?

The fact is that there’s an idea you need to be informed what was really the ordained purpose and dealing of God today. The Scripture did not say it requires a supernatural giant or such like a member of Billy Graham’s prayer warrior team, or Pastor Rick Warren’s back up prayer lord in order to change what is the written will of God he revealed for us today through Paul’s written epistles so that the condition you wished to happen in your physical life shall be granted? Where is fairness in the sense or idea you succumb as the supposed major belief which thought to be traditionally right when one fails to comprehend to know His will with all wisdom and SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING? Is that not PHYSICAL UNDERSTANDING destroys our cause for SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING through which your concern would appeal to God in order to change HIS REAL CONCERN FOR YOUR LIFE with a body service OFFERED AS A LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY AND ACCEPTABLE UNTO THE LORD?(Rom.12:1-2)  

Romans 8:5-8
 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Just to let you understand the sense of TRADITION  VS. TRUTH!

Grace and peace!