Friday, May 24, 2013

My thoughts about the Book of Collosians (SAINTS AND FAITHFUL IN CHRIST)


By: Bishop Albert Gran

Colossians 1
King James Version (KJV)

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother,

Paul’s apostleship in matters of divine revelation cannot be disputed just to be an ordinary designation.
However, it’s a special privilege given to him as one born out of due time to dispense the truth of the gospel of God’s grace in this dispensation of grace. He was with a trusted co-worker Timotheus who’s Paul’s son in the faith when he wrote this book. 
To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This epistle was deliberately addressed to  believers at Colosse by whom Paul called them as “saints” and “faithful brethren”. These descriptions are worthy to glimpse who we are and how we could achieve it on the basis of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His knowledge caused spiritual maturity and edification so that we can be cheered by Paul in accordance to the will of God like the saints and faithful believers at Collose.

Another interesting feature as described in this verse is the inner might which God allow to produce within us to govern our heavenly position as saints and faithful believers in Christ, His "GRACE and PEACE". There’s no amount of physical things in this world which could overflow such tremendous blessing of God endowed to each believer in this dispensation of grace. “Grace” is something which God favorably offered to us as a privilege gift which we can’t do by and among ourselves while “peace” corresponds settlement of issues pertinent to our inadequacies through which God made in Christ on our behalf, and thereby it satiates God’s divine standard and His moral attribute being a righteous and magnificent creator.

It’s enhancing to consider that “grace and peace” were God’s supernatural intervention causing us to be always triumphant in every affair of our life as we walked with God as His dear sons in all His will.     
We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

Paul and Timotheus had their lives set as thankful servants of Christ. Thanking God for what He has done for us (that which we can’t) motivates among ourselves to passionately examine the noteworthy blessedness He gave us. Correspond to the purpose God set to Paul and Timothy pertinent to the truth of the gospel, they set their longings and consciousness by praying for the saints especially the faithful believers at Colosse. Paul and Timotheus’ prayers had much to say about the purpose of God in effect of the truth of the gospel opposite to what others prayed for them to be materially and physically equipped.
Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints,

Paul and Timothy’s prayers are colored with these senses having intents always in result of the truth of the gospel ever since they heard it. They heard the Colossians “FAITH IN CHRIST”. Faith motivated by the truth and the purpose of which God actively involved in the lives of believers today, intervening their inner man to produce quality characteristics as ultimate adult sons of God. Their love which they have to all the saints were expressions of how they have known Christ in light with what they heard with Paul and Timothy regarding God’s revelation in the mystery of His will.   

For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;

This is the real purpose as being saints and faithful believers in Christ producing qualities in effect of the gospel set forth by Paul in view of direct revelation from Christ. Our victory through Christ in effect of “Grace and Peace” or the settlement motto Christ afforded to us today is something that leads to heavenly hope. Our prayers should be akin to the heavenly purpose through which the gospel preached by Paul, producing grace and peace in all areas of our life so that as we see and realize the heavenly calling of God it would produce COMFORT and JOY. And, we’re all the more rejoicing. How could it be made possible? It’s through the word of the truth of the gospel.      

Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth:

It’s really significant that the truth of the gospel was appeared to all men. However, there’s much more blessings in effect of this gospel. Paul made it plain that such “bringeth forth fruit”. Believer’s lives must be colored in effect of the gospel through which Paul had received for the truth of this dispensation of grace and not based on the past administration of God revealed to Peter and the twelve for the earthly kingdom with its purpose. Colossians had this kind of life founded upon the truth which they heard with Paul and Timothy.

Another interesting feature is the description in bulk of truth which they heard about. Paul plainly emphasized with the phrase “KNEW GRACE OF GOD IN TRUTH”. It’s not about the grace brought in response to asking material blessings, prosperity, jobs, etc. This is about the grace of God which we have to know from Apostle Paul. The knowledge we received from Paul and his epistles were able to produce FRUITS in us. Why as though there were many doctrines in TIME PAST in the account of God’s previous administration leads and governed by many believers today directing towards EARTHLY HOPE AND CONDITIONS? Did we really know the grace of God in truth?

Thanks for reading folks!   

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